Halya: Objectives

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Leila Dark Jurai
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Joined: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:37 pm

Halya: Objectives

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

As we are preparing to enter the city, the following are objectives I intend to accomplish:

1) Capture or destroy all biological weapons.
2) Ascertain the existance of a cure or vaccine for the disease inflicted upon the population
3) Obtain any records pertaining to the formulation of biological weapons
4) Ascertain who or what the enemy is acting on the behalf of.
5) Prevent the enemy from carrying anything off.

Aside from neutralizing this enemy force, these objectives are our reason for being here. If they are not accomplished, our mission is a failure. We have shown that our forces are superior in conventional combat - now we must prevent these lizards from launching further unconventional attacks upon us. Survivors may well be difficult to track down, so it is CRITICAL that they not get away with any material, and that we find out about it if they have hidden stockpiles that any survivors can make use of.
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