The world of Nethilis

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The world of Nethilis

Post by Mystic »

Planetary Survey review on world Nethilis

World Size: Small
Age: Billions
Temperature: Warm
Established Cities: 1, Name: Neth

History: The world of Nethilis has been determined to be over several billion or more years old but was only discovered several thousand years ago originally by Dark Jurain explorers. Explorers noted at the time that the world possessed a flourishing Nether Elf society with an array of well established cities located on the worlds largest northern continent.
Approximately 150 years ago Techoren explorers also arrived upon the planet but the situation was vastly different than recorded in the Dark Jurain notes. The northern continent (originally fertile plains) was nothing more than a barren wasteland and a dessert and the Nether Elf empire apparently extinguished. While it is not known exactly what occurred, the remains of a downed starship similar to Dominion design, not to mention noticeable craters, suggests that once again the Dominion, or Legion as they are otherwise referred, may have been involved.
Landmass: Nethilis is made up of 4 major landmasses and series of 5 smaller islands located to the east. The first major landmass is located in the northern sphere and totals for about 50% of the worlds entire above water mass. This continent is often simply refereed to as Dunes, mostly due to the large amounts of sands and dirt that makes up this mass. The 2nd largest continent is Johugan, which is pretty much covered in a thick jungle terrain and the occasional swamp, and is located south east of Dunes. The 3rd continent, Ragatorn, is nothing more than a mass of tightly packed mountains sticking up out of the sea, slightly below and to the west of Johugan. The final Continent is Iceities, located to the far south and is nothing more than a frozen artic. Located east of Johugan are the Leaften Isles, which is shaped with 4 smaller islands surrounded a central later one.
Dunes: Despite the bleak landscape that it now is, Dunes is the main landscape of Nethilis, for this reason the city of Neth was founded here, slightly west of its center. Terraforming operations are underway and once Dunes is returned to its original fertile nature it should be prime real estate. Also of note are the city ruins located on the far south east of Dunes, presumably of elven origin. To the south west lays the great Vertus Lake, which appears to be some form giant crater. Finally to the northwest of Dunes the remains of the crashed Starship can be found.
Johugan: There is much less known about this mass, the thick jungle makes it hard for ship scanners to gain any type of in-depth reading. The jungle covers a good portion of the island with a small mountain range splitting northwest to southeast. While the jungle turns to swamp in a few areas this is usually only minor but a single large swamp is located at the continents southern part, known simply as The Black Swamp.
Ragatorn: There really isn?t much to Ragatorn besides a clump of mountains, its worth noting that one of the central mountains appears to be a huge semi active volcano though. Also a particularly lush green valley has been located between the pack of mountains, and appears to house several well maintained shrines.
Iceities: This collection of frozen water and snow was once habitable, as shown by the large and now abandoned Fortress located far to the lands south. Also we believe we may have located two burial tombs on the islands northern east and west sides, but lack the tools make any in-depth research.
Leaften isles: These lush isles consist of four small islands and a central larger one. They are dotted with a few mountains and various forests, of most important note is the very large temple that can be found located exactly in the center of the central island.

Life forms: Life on Nethilis can only be described as big. Many of the common animals found on other worlds appear to be much larger and more violent on Nethilis. Most wildlife is located in the jungles of Johugan, some airborne varieties and a few oddities do live in the mountain peaks of Ragatorn. Also a rare species of large lizards can be found both in Johugans jungles and on the Leaften Isles. Although I have not personally seen it there is reason to believe that a few species of dragon may also inhabit this world. Even Dunes is not without some life as desert creatures such as Sand scorpions and desert snakes can be found in the wastes.

Natives: Nethilis is not even without its own natives, despite the extinction of its Nether Elf population its already been confirmed that Wolf Elf tribes can be located within the jungles of Johugan. These tribes are however very hard to locate and often exceedingly violent. So far we have had no peaceful encounters with these people.
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