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Operational Update

Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:52 pm
by Leila Dark Jurai
From: Carmina <carmina@shaeseasu-seafood.neth>
To: Nethilis Commanders <command@command.neth>
Subject: Operational Update

I have up to this point ordered all major equipment, taking on investors and taking out loans as necessary. I have also begun making contact with various organizations to help provide experienced workers. However I need some things from you to proceed.

1) My people will need housing. Good housing. I am available to provide estimates of how much will be needed, but I am not in the position to do the authorizing and negotiations. I also want you to start working with various support businesses, especially the variousl goods stores, and make certain the infrastructure will be there.

2) I will need utilities set up as well. This includes fresh water and power. As the planetary authority, getting this set up is your responsibility.

3) A road from Neth to Shaeseasu. This will not be critical yet, the trucks I have ordered can handle the terrain, but still they will work better over a road. It will also allow for the various other businesses to supply without having to rely on costly shuttle transportation.

Aside from these things, my operations are proceeding on schedule.