Codex Techoren: Ammunition and Grenades
All the above weapons, with exceptions where noted, are assumed to fire standard Techoren Toreliem bullets, however these are not the only forms of ammunition available to the open public and military forces. There are in fact hundreds of different varieties of custom designed bullets available throughout the Federation, most of these are made to achieve a specific result, often compromising a fundamental principle of the weapons that fire them in the process, making each type only desirable to a select few. With that said there are a few specific types that have become so well established within all niches of society that I have deemed them "common" enough to list below.
Additionally the Techoren have designed various forms of grenade weapons, the fact that several of these are available from local arms dealers, and those that aren’t still show up frequently in the hands of military soldiers on various battlefield worlds, has lead to my decision to include them in my list below. If you desire a yet more comprehensive list than the ones I have supplied please speak with watcher Ar'ant of house Technica.
Toreliem Shells: These the standard bullets of the Techoren, they are solid, sturdy and reliable, unsurprisingly they pack little to no armor piercing value as most conventional armor is capable of compensating for the impacting force of one of these shells.
Ultroneim Shells: Created out of dense, radioactive metal Ultroneim Shells, or U Shells for short, is the most common form of armor piercing bullets in the Federation. Once mined the radioactive substance is refined down and has its radioactive charge stripped clean. The metal is refined down into dense steel unsuitable for armor it packs a heavy punch and is great for piercing various forms of body armor.
Densitivicly Phased Ultroneim: The most advanced form of armor piercing bullets in all the Federation. A few of the already dense Ultroneim shells are shipped off to the Sphere, and using an advanced technique, involving the gravitational fields of the Sphere world Star and atomic realignment rays, the Ultroneim is further compressed into a even denser, stronger, more resilient substance. Densitivicly Phased Ultroneim, or DPU for short is most commonly employed by MIB Agents, ensuring they possess maximum stopping power against the enemies of The Nine.
Tracer Shells: These bullets are easily obtainable from local gun stores and many soldiers use them regularly. They consist of a standard Toreliem Shell coated in a durable friction burning substance. When fired from the gun these bullets rapidly light up and glow brightly as they streak through the air allowing one to easily trace the path, however veteran soldiers shy away from this as its effects are ultimately two way.
PE Grenade: The PE or Plastic Explosive Grenade is made out of solid Torelim metal packed with high content plastic explosive, when thrown these grenades have a 5 second timer before detonation and are fully capable of taking out everything in a small room.
Flare Grenade: These grenades are made out of a lightweight polyplastic and when thrown have a 5 second timer before detonation. Upon detonation they release a bright blinding flash of light in the immediate area, these grenades are often used to blind enemy squads or monsters moments before specialist teams move in. It is advised one does not rely too heavily on this weapon as counter measures have been established.
Concussion Grenade: Similar in design to the Flare Grenades these ones are made out of light polyplastic and are also used for incapacitating enemy units, but in a different fashion. 5 seconds after throwing the grenade detonates and unleashes a loud sonic scream, those immediately next to the grenade are deafened and possibly knocked out cold while those further away can possibly lose their sense of balance and limited hearing. These grenades were originally developed to deal with alien monsters that while appearing to have no visible eyes relied heavily on hearing. However this device is not overly new and again counter measures have been established.
SP Grenade: The SP or Static Pulse grenade was designed as a way to allow law enforcement, or potentially any other organization, to safely incapacitate individuals without the use of lethal force. When fired the SP Grenade quickly begins building up its charge and 5 seconds later unleashes it in a high volt electrical blast designed to render individuals unconscious with minimal injury. The only short comings of this weapon is that the charge is not strong enough to guarantee success and some individuals are not totally incapacitated so it must still be used with caution.