Codex Techoren: Assault Rifles
AG-Patriot: This long black assault rifle is constructed out of lightweight polymetal, and houses a 1 round grenade launcher underneath its long narrow barrel. The AG-Patriot was designed and produced by the Agrav Corporation as a weapon for front line and support soldiers and with great success. Capable of both semi and fully automatic modes of fire the AG-Patriot holds an extended clip, more important is the tiny anti gravity generator housed at the back of the gun just behind the bullet chamber. When the trigger is depressed the generator activates filling the barrel with a reverse gravity field and rapidly firing the bullet from the barrel. This allows the weapon to unleash a rapid barrage of medium caliber bullets even at long range; additionally the grenade launcher gives the user the option of heavy support firepower in tight situations. The only real draw back of this weapon is its heavy recoil that rapidly decreases the weapons accuracy when in automatic mode.
Ionic Stormcrow: This large rifle is constructed out of reinforced polyplastics by the Ionic corporation. Originally designed for corporation and civilian security the weapon was later picked up and adapted for military uses. The Stormcrow uses a bi-weapons cartridge utilizing both an energy battery and conventional medium caliber bullets. Able to fire in either burst or automatic modes, up to a distance of long range, the Stormcrow uses its energy battery to fire out its bullets encased in a weak globe of power. This method of fire eliminates almost all of the weapons recoil giving it a high degree of accuracy, although at an only moderately fast rate of fire.
TechSonic Striker: This large block shaped rifle is constructed out of polymetal and has a long broad barrel engraved with specifically crafted grooves. Designed by the TechSonic Corporation as a support weapon for Federation soldiers it has since found increasing usage in the hands of multi global Mob organizations. The Striker was designed with an advanced high-powered fan stored at the back of the gun. When fired, in either semi or full automatic modes, the fan would give a burst of high pressured air to not only rapidly propel the high caliber bullet but to also send it into a twisting spiral down the barrel and out the gun to a long range distance. Often supplemented with armor piercing ammunition, the drill like nature of the shot makes this weapon effective against multiple forms of lightweight and medium body armor. While capable of a rapid rate of fire the Strikers accuracy heavily decreased when firing full auto.
Trition Deterrent: This sleek, black, energy rifle is constructed out of solid polyplastics and houses a long narrow barrel. The Deterrent was originally designed by the Trition Corporation as a weapon to allow front line soldiers the ability to unleash heavy suppressive fire on their enemies, although it has since also found use as a heavy support law enforcement weapon. The deterrent houses a tiny energy core powered by the weapons energy cartridge. When fired, weapon only fires in automatic, the energy core rapidly fluctuates unleashing an extremely fast barrage of tiny yellow destructive balls out to long range with exceedingly high accuracy. The high efficiency of this weapons power core allows it a long lasting and sustained high rate of fire. The Deterrent however is ineffective against body armor, and it requires a barrage of shots, or one well placed one, to kill an opponent. Given this weapons insane rate of fire this is less difficult than it might sound.
Trillion Cougar: This large rifle is constructed out of polymetal with a large broad barrel. Designed and built by the Trillion corporation, a company with obvious ties to the Trillion Mob, this weapon was originally created to give Mob agents heavy firepower vs. rival corporations and law enforcement, the designs have since fallen into the hands of High Government officials and it now serves the role of support weapon to Federation soldiers. The Cougar has two fire modes, semi and full auto and is capable of reaching long range. When fired a burst of intense refined energy is fired down the barrel and out of the rifle as a solid bolt of white power designed to blow a wide hole straight through its target. While this weapon does have some recoil, light body armor is totally ineffective against it.
Mizzer Cryorifle: This small lightweight rifle is constructed out of heat absorbent metal and houses an armor plated air canister underneath the barrel. It was designed by the Mizzer Corporation as a weapon for when collateral damage was unacceptable or when it was important to bring back a target intact, as such it is only used by specialist teams and sadists. The Cryorifle is only capable of semi automatic fire and only up to medium range, furthermore it runs on its own special form of ammunition, a cartridge housing a special Isotopsus liquid, commonly called freeze water. When fired a spurt of the cartridges liquid is fired into the specially insulated chamber, and equally protected barrel, and then fired out as a liquid beam with a sharp burst of air pressure. Whatever the liquid hits it rapidly freezes, sometimes lethally, sometimes with possible reanimation. Due to the bizarre nature of the weapon only a few special forms of body armor are resistant to its effects.