Codex Techoren: Close Combat Weapons
While the firearms of the Techoren are considerably impressive, a fact many will testify to, much less is known of the advancements the Federation has made in the realm of close combat weaponry. With all the many wars the Techorens have waged it would be foolish to assume that close combat has not occurred on many occasions. It is for this reason that the Techoren has constructed an array of close combat weapons while striving to maximize the potential of their scientific advantage. The design and types of these weapons runs the gambit typical of most races, below I have constructed a detailed list of those weapons either most common or advanced of the Federation.
ThunderBolt Taser 9000: Commonly referred to as the TB Taser, this small rectangular device is only 8 inches long and 3 inches wide, constructed of a strengthened black plastic most of the device is a simple handle with a charge button and a dial, the front of the device looking similar to a gun barrel. It has three settings, mild, medium and high. Runs on a standard Energy handgun clip and is mostly used by civilians as a non-lethal means of defense.
Enforcer Electro Baton: Or EEB comes in various forms, the most common appearing similar to a sword in design with a small circular cross piece and a circular baton in place of the blade. The hilt is coated in Synrubber for a comfortable and safe grip. The rest of the design is created out of Toreliem with the center of the baton being filled with an intense electric current. The result is a solid steel baton that discharges a volt of electricity on impact. This device is most commonly used by law enforcement and corporations as a non-lethal answer to situations.
Jagharus Claws: Named after the first hero to wear them the Jagharus claws is a set of twin fingerless metal gloves worn over the hands and locked onto the forearms. The sides are adorned with three metallic slightly curved claws that rest over the forearms, these claws can be made to snap forward and lock into place by squeezing ones hand into a fist and applying hard pressure against the palm, doing this a second time will retract them. The forearms of the gloves are made of solid reinforced metal designed specifically to allow someone to block a blade swing against it. Considered an exotic weapon it is mostly only used by Mob's, soldiers or Templars.
Bayonets: Constructed by too many companies in to many varieties to hold any specific name. Bayonets are small, or not so small, blades designed to fit just under the barrel of a gun. Some bayonets are small dagger like blades designed for handguns, but longer short sword type blades have been attached onto the barrels of shotguns and rifles. While sharp these blades are not terribly strong and were designed for attacking, not defending.
Tempest Survival Knife: A long curved blade with a serrated back this knife is stained black and reflects absolutely no light. Sharpened to an extreme edge and tested in extreme conditions this blade is made to last. It is ideal for both the outdoors’ colonist and the battle-hardened marine. A favorite of soldiers and cutthroats this blade is commonly forged out of any of the various metals available.
Infernos Dagger: The dagger has both a sharp point and edges, ideal for both slashing and stabbing. The truth strength of this weapon however lies in the many microscopic heat generators infused into the blade. When the button on the hilt is pressed in it sends a small charge through the blade activating the generators and within 5 seconds the blade is heated to the point where it glows a deep crimson red. Originally designed as a way to deal with regenerating aliens this weapons has since found its way into the hands of street gangsters as a weapon of terror.
Fang Dagger: Its not known who exactly first designed or marketed this blade as it started on the black market, over time its popularity and frequent use allowed it restricted entrance to official markets. This weapon appears as a long wavy twin bladed dagger, specifically designed to stab into an opponent and leave lingering wounds, particularly if the blade is then twisted. The true lethality of these blades lies in the tiny chamber that runs through the center of the blades from the hilt to the tip. A vial of a potent poison (often nerve toxin) is placed in a compartment within the hilt and upon stabbing a target the user can press a button to inject it into the blood stream. A secondary use can be activated where the blade itself turns green and poison slowly seeps through the metal. This is far less effective but allows poisoning on the slightest cut (although is far less lethal).
Justicar Infernos Blade: Originally designed by the Jagur Company in an effort to enter the weapons market the Justicar Blade is an obvious upgrade from the Infernos Dagger. The short dagger was lengthened out to the full majesty of a true blade and a stronger power source was designed to heat the sword. First meant as a blade for the Templars it turned out to be more popular in the hands of soldiers battling on alien worlds, a popularity it still holds to this day.
Nano Staff: The Ninite Corps first big major development the Nano staff found its use in the hands of civilians and law enforcement due to its easy carry ability and effective use. A nano staff can shrink down to the size of a small half-staff making it easy to fit into jacket pockets or a backpack. When activated the staff extends out to the owners pre-customized length with a maximum height that’s easily taller than any Techoren.
Electro Whip: From the designers of the EEB comes this innovation. The whip itself is composed of a hybrid of thick Torelim steel and lightweight thinning materials to allow the whip flexibility as well as strength. The whip itself is highly charged with electric particles, and is often employed by law enforcement and soldiers to disarm enemy opponents.
Liquid Silver Whip: the Company Liquid-Silver Inc took the Electro Whip idea and evolved it to a whole new level. Using an advanced process they were able to design a whip constructed out of semi liquid metal. While the exterior was solid the interior was not allowing the whip to easily twist and coil about. Furthermore with the press of a button tiny flechette blade's form like barbs along the length of the whip allowing it to literally rend the skin right off. While the standard version does not have an electric charge a Liquid Silver Electro Whip can be acquired at considerable expense.
Nano Sword: Ninite Corp was at it again with this weapon, commonly referred to as the "Switch Blade" by many. On first appearance this is nothing more than a metallic sword hilt with a small slit on the top and a button on the side. When the button is pressed however a blade seems to jump right out the slit extending to the length of a typical sword, other size variants are possible. Well crafted this sword however is not the strongest of blades but still achieves popular use by those who wish to carry either lightweight or easily concealable weapons.
TechSonic Toreliem Sword: Constructed out of the standard Techoren metal through an eons old established process of sword creation these are good solid reliable blades by TechSonic. Though of good quality the design is rather plain in appearance, still the average soldier doesn’t care what his sword looks like so long as it works well.
Mercurial Sword: These blades are often constructed as two-handed great swords although smaller varieties do exist. The sword itself is made of good solid metal and has to be well forged for the design to work. The Liquid Silver Company engineered this design with a new innovation, they created a small chamber that ran the length of the blade and filled it with liquid silver. When the blade is swung at high speed the liquid silver flows to a small chamber at the top of the sword effectively increasing the blades weight on impact. These swords can be rather unwieldy and difficult to use without proper training but allow a skilled user to strike devastating blows beyond their normal strength.
TechSonic Vibro Sword: Attempting to improve on their success the TechSonic group took the design of the standard Toreliem sword, placed a small device at the base of the blade. The vibro blade vibrates independently of the hilt allowing it to cut deep irregular slashing cuts. These wounds heal poorly and often require immediate medical attention. These weapons are a favorite among High Guard soldiers and Templars alike.
TI-3k Plasteel Toren Blade: Techoren Industries 3000 entered the market with this revolutionary blade. They are the only company with the knowledge so far to process plasteel blades of this quality and are the sole provider for the MIB agency. This ornate double-edged blade has laser-sharpened edges from the needle sharp tip down to the midway point while the lower half of the blade consists of serrated edges. Constructed of an extremely strong and lightweight material this is one of the strongest blades in the entire Federation easily capable of standing up to the energy blades of the Dark Jurai. Often seen as a symbol of status and power, many rich Businessmen attempted to acquire these blades simply to hang on their office walls.
Monofilament Blade: Considered the most state of the art blade in the Federation Ninite Corp has established themselves as a true power in the weapons industry. The blade itself is a monofilament Sword, an almost 2 dimensional blade with a paper like width. The sword blade itself is sheathed in a protective gravitational layer, that supports the blade by holding it in position, and strengthens it to the extend where it is able to actually block incoming attacks. The near two-dimensional nature of the blade makes it exceedingly sharp and it is easily capable of slicing through just about any body armor.
The above weapons, with exceptions where noted, are all assumed to have been constructed out of the standard Techoren steel Toreliem, however other metal variants do exist and many weapons are also made out of those metals as well so I have constructed a short list of those most commonly used.
Toreliem: As stated above this is the standard Steel of the Techoren, both swords and bullets are commonly made out of this substance. Ore is commonly mined from all the various worlds of the Federation then smelted down into metal, when the purifying process is done this metal is then mixed in with a denser strong metal produced on The Sphere, the result is Toreliem, a reasonably lightweight metal with a strong hardness and strength.
Mythural: Mined from specific colony worlds this is a light blue ore, it goes through a similar process to that of Toreliem including being mixed in with the Sphere metal. The end result is steel equally as strong as Toreliem and yet vastly lighter. Commonly used for lightweight body armor or lighter easier carried weapons.
Highcryiem: Only mined from a few specially discovered vanes on high gravity worlds this ore is incredibly dense. It was considered too heavy and unwieldy for combat until the discovery of Mythural. The dense ore was mixed in with Mythural steel to make Highcryiem, an exceedingly strong and still heavy but usable metal. Highcryiem blades are strong but they’re also heavier than normal weapons making them only usable by those with great physical strength, for those who can these blades are often worth the effort.
Plasteel: Despite all my best efforts I have been unable to discover the secret of this steels creation. All I know is it is both incredibly strong and equally amazingly light of weight. It does appear to be hard to produce as I’ve not been able to retro-engineer it and it is only used by elite troops at this time.