Internal Security Executive Director Jenna Evades
Just exactly who or what Jenna Evades actually happens to be is not entirely known. There is no recorded documentation of her existence prier to her accession among The Nine, in fact neither I, nor any other watcher had seen or heard of her prier to her rise. Soft spoken and exceedingly confident, Jenna appears capable of reading others emotions. It is even rumored that she can instantly tell when another is lying to her. While it is not known where Jenna Evades came form, many widely believe she was taken as a baby by The Nine, some extremist sbelieve she was even genetically created. Either case she first appeared 100 years ago when the rouge scientist Zander Scragskel had created an organization of robotic synthoids programmed with artificial intelligence. The Techoren appearing machines infiltrated society and began to establish themselves in positions of power, seizing control of worlds and gaining a foothold in the High Government. As war began to wage across the worlds and space Jenna Evades was finally let loose, she covertly infiltrated Zander's organization, appearing as nothing more than another Synthoid, eventually identifying and locating all of Zanders robotical agents. Finally she personally executed Zander and his robotical elite for the crimes of treason against the Federation and creation of illegal robotics. Since then Jenna has busied herself with the internal security of the Federation, setting up vast information networks and vigorously hunting down all traitors and rouges of the great Techoren society.