Diplomatic Goals

Moderator: Senshi Muyo

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Leila Dark Jurai
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Diplomatic Goals

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

OK some goals I am setting up on the diplomatic front. These are things which I believe we should accomplish

The Alliance

We should set up an alliance "headquarters" on our world, giving the Alliance a single headquarters, an actual physical location where matters of interest to the Alliance as a whole can be addressed.

Also, intelligence sharing should be established here, allowing all empires to benefit from each others' intelligence. The time for keeping secrets from one another is over.

Diplomatic Relations

This addresses primarily the Earth Dominion. Their policies are distasteful, and they are a threat to all races save their own. However, they too have a part to play, and diplomatic relations should be established. Given the amount of information flowing through our world, however, they should be kept on a tight leash to prevent them from engaging in espionage.

Individual races, those without empires, should have some way of bringing their concerns up to the Alliance.
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