The Gualcharus Adventures

Moderator: Senshi Muyo

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The Gualcharus Adventures

Post by Mystic »

Given that i've writen the first story, Temple of Light, and am currently working on the as yet to be named second part, and hope to continue writing even more after this, I thought i would create this thread as an area and place for readers to discuss the story.

This is not just a thread for you to say "Good work" though feel free if you want to. This is a thread for me to get general feed back and for excited readers to dicuss the progress of the story.

I'd hope to see such things being discussed as to what characters you like, what events your expectings to happen in the next story, picturlar fights you may have enjoyed, or even battles or fights your excited or hopping to see.

You may wish to dicuss how this relates to the universe of Senshi Muyo and how events of the story maybe effectining rp. While at the moment the first story holds no real impact i can assure you, things will be heating up.

I understand and realise that right now there is little to discuss but i expect, or at least hope that this thread will pick up with the completion of the second story.
Posts: 105
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2004 3:16 am
Location: Temporal Energy Plane

Post by Mystic »

Its taken an exceedingly long time coming but the second installment in the gripping tale is complete. Find out all the answers to your questions int he next exciting installment, out now, on a website near you!

As always i grave and desire feed back :)
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