Problems of Nethilis

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Leila Dark Jurai
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Problems of Nethilis

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

We currently have several problems besetting Nethilis. I will try to detail them and my proposed solution below.

Firstly, our crime problem. A group, who exactly I am not certain, is trying to oust the mob from Nethilis, presumably to take over their enterprises. This must be dealt with quickly and decisively – if it is not, the mob will push back and innocent people will get caught in the middle.

There is also a drug problem, and all the crime that accompanies it.

To deal with these, we will need to increase the potency of our police force. I recommend dividing the police force into 5 divisions: Patrol, Tactical, Investigation, Administration, and Internal Affairs. It is likely that the basis for these divisions already exist, therefore there should be a minimum of reorganization.

To fill the ranks of our tactical unit, I recommend we initially recruit some Netomi veterans, who will then assist in training those beneath them. We will likely also want increases in our patrol and investigative divisions, to put a more visible presence on the street and to gather evidence to put away those who would destroy the order of society.

Current problems may also necessitate personal and military intervention in extreme cases.

We also need a new power plant. I am no expert on these, and we'll need some studies done to determine just how much we need for the foreseeable future. Time is critical, however, as it is estimated that we will last a year at most without expansion.
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Re: Problems of Nethilis

Post by Mystic »

It'd be of benefeit if you can draw Cammy and Tae to this website more often so they can read and hopefully contribute to this discussion. But given how you and Cammy get along i find that unlikly. But it'd be nice to see her contribue to this, especialy when she feels her opinons dont matter.

In any case both you and Tae have made statements about bringing in a strong outside veteran police unit or individual to help out so that seems to be the course of action desired. The next step is to do it and actually get someone. And decide maybe exactly how you'd like them to go about it. Somethings to consider

Whats the hardline you want taken on drugs? Sale is illegal? Use is Illegal? Private (ie non public) use only? Draw a line saying X drugs are totaly illegal, some are frowned on and some are aloud? Whats the tolerence level? First time warning? Second time fine? Or bam big fat fine and jail time on first timers. I dont expect a legal docuement here, just a general idea how you'd like this crack team to crack down.

The power plant is definatly a big issue. The only reason for the short life span of the existing plant is due to the extreme stress its placed under. under idle conditions it would last much longer. I will post some In Character responces on this topic when time permits.
Leila Dark Jurai
Site Admin
Posts: 171
Joined: Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:37 pm

Re: Problems of Nethilis

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

I think drugs should largely be made totally illegal. Users should be directed to rehabilitation services mainly, but dealers should be cracked down on, with sentencing based on how devastating the drugs in question are to individuals and society as a whole as well as amount. While we can't catch them all, it will increase the risk, and thus the price of drugs on the street. Where I'd like to hit hard is the traffickers, as well, since that decreases overall supply.

We'll also need to effect changes in society. Use is highest among the followers of Nephthys, so we should look for ways to make them productive, such as training them in more marketable skills, getting them employed.
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