Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

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Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Anoron »

This post is for players to type what actions they are taking as preginator spark of genesis.

You are not a god, you are not something the race of your world worships, you are however a guiding force that shapes them, and the world where they will grow up from, and in time leave for the far reaches of space to claim for their own. The goal of this game is to reach space and expand your races influence, it is not to attack other players (though you can), but to work with them when (if you find them). Evolution and advancement is but one way of succeeding, and these advancements need not be technological and can include magic, psionics, and the metaphysical. Your race is your race, you can make them whatever you will them to be, they will be motivated to become that ideal. For example you could make a race of crab people, mind slugs, or spell slinging elves!

Aspects of the game:
A turn is not measured in hours, days or years, it is an abstract measure of time, normally taking place in hundreds of years, or even thousands for the first dozen or so turns. The turns will start to slow as the races enter space.
In a turn: You are given limited action you can take a turn, mostly to move the race in one step higher than they are currently. Advancement of the race would include going from cavemen to teepees, and learning to create a written language. However if you try to go from cavemen to algebra majors, you're actions are wasted, for you tried to advance the race too quickly, and chaos will reign on the world for that turn. At the start of the game, you'll have a few turns to also change the world to better adapt your race, and these changes are just as much of a stepping stone as advancing the race. So at the start, till the GM states, you're able to shape the home world as you shape your race. At the start your race will start in a pre-caveman state, not a society or in large numbers.

Goal: evolve, change and adapt your race, they can become near perfect in some ways and venture into the vastness of space.

All worlds that a player starts from are in the last stages of the primordial ooze. The players can choose what kind of world their race comes from at the start, but should come from a template listed below. All worlds do have moisture, be it water or other forms of liquid, so water can be shifted and made into oceans. All worlds are still shifting with volcanic activity, just not as fierce as a volcanic world.

Volcanic: The world is still in a state of volcanic throes of fire, burning stone and burning hot ash filling the air. The world is still shifting, but even here there is water, plants, and life.

Aquatic: The world is mostly water, if not completely water, there is earth, stone and fire just below the surface, or at the depths. (a swamp world is appropriate here as well)

Windswept wastes: The world is wracked by horrible windstorms, plants take root where shelves made by the roving winds and waters have carved wedges in the land, but blasts of sand are capable of searing them away.

Earth: A world much like earth, covered in water and land in some equal fashion, having all manners of plants and types of earth. This kind of world will make it easy to create a race.

Barrens: A desert world of sand with one more blazing suns in the sky above, often with dried out riverbeds, and hard stone with very few pools of water on the surface.

Jungle: The world is mostly trees, with choking vines and hostile animals. Plants cover one end of the world to the other.

Example of play:

Starting world: Aquatic.
World name: Aquinia
Race: The race that comes from the world are crustaceans, they have a shell of chitin covering their bodies to help protect them from the various oceanic life.
Changes to the world: Volcanoes will become less malevolent, forming less landmass, and more aquatic plant life will start to form.
Changes to the race: The crab people will develop finer claws to manipulate objects, and start working towards making weapons to help them hunt.

GM response: Aquinia: the world under the seas grows strong with an abundance of creatures that feed on the abundance of plant life that is growing in the world, only small volcanoes belch out plumes of fiery rock forming small islands. The race itself work bones of prey animals into sharp points that allow them to survive against larger predator species. Some of the race attack others of their own race with these new found weapons however.

Next turn
Race changes: The race will work towards socializing and working together in packs instead of fighting one another. They will develop communication to help this bonding proccess.
World changes: Further the loss of volcanic eruption, and make it rain more to further flood the planet.

GM response: Aquinia's people start to form tribes, the coloring of their shells marking what tribes they are from, their weapons still primitive, but effective at killing rival tribes when conflicts arise, but with a budding language, peace talks the tribes are able to settle many disputes without problems. The land rises less (cataclysm!) but the seafloor rumbles and shakes, tearing a large trench in the world, plummeting the water, with many of the crab people drowning out in the open air.

This is but one example. In this the player took very small steps, but with a cataclysm event of the world, perhaps the player will develop the race more aggressively. Note that the player could have given the crabs a further step up in evolution, with harder shells, sharper claws, or making shelters.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Anoron »

A player has two days to make a post after a turn is over! If no post is put here, the gm will not progress the race!

Note, you should submit your world you want first, and race for gm approval, before you do any changes. Posting an overall goal you have in mind would help you shape them as well before the game starts.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Anoron »

Ok, one more additional rule to add. When you pick a world, you may immediately make up to three starting changes to it.
If you pick a water world you may at the start give it more landmass, making it swampy, and cold.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Kaosu »

Starting World: Earth/Jungle (forested earth)
World Name: Heron
Race: Race comes from the physical nature of a mammal but more of a insect primal in nature: specifically arachni.
Changes to the world: Extensive night cycles, consistent climate, and extensive plant life for a rich ecosystem.
Changes to the race: Greater use and strength of multiple limbs, greater use of 'traps and hunting', working towards becoming more of a collectiveness through instinct by working together (though perhaps not unified).
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

Starting World: Eldamar
World Type: Earth type
Race: The race of this world is a form of long-eared omnivorous primate. Their initial advantage is quick reflexes that enable them to evade or quickly deal with danger.
Changes to world: Cooling of the continental plates to reduce volcanic activity outside of the borders of the continents, development of woodland type plants, increase in base animal life to provide an additional food source.
Changes to race: The race develops opposable thumbs to help in manipulating objects, and they begin using tools. The race begins to hunt for the first time (as opposed to scavenging).
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Mystic »

tarting World: Slag
World Type: Earth type
Race: The race of this world is a a group of semi aware ooze. They survive asborbing heat and organic materials and each other and range in size from a small dog to a big bear.
Changes to world: Waters are turned into a swampy murky soup. Plantery temperature is increased to much hotter levels and the planet is wracked by voilent winds an gale force winds.
Changes to race: Increased mobility, learning or evovling methods of oozing around faster than a snail. Also increased awareness and thinking capcaity to understand ones own surroundings and the presence of other ooze.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Kaosu »

World: Heron
Race changes: Focusing on common goals and enemies, the introduction of socialization and cultural impacts for further unification and bonding. The beginning development of psychic prowess, first development used for communication or 'sensory' for emotions and basic thoughts, further development of hunting in the night and evolutionary development of 'web-spinning' (perhaps not exactly, but the same concept of it. Used for traps, weapons, hunting, etc..)
World changes: Further stabilization of climate and environment. More workable metals and other natural resources to become more abundant.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

World: Eldamar
Changes to Race: Increased potential intelligence, accompanied by development of the first language and possibly improved tools. Begin cultural development of a racial identity, so they at least see each other as the same sort of people. We are the Kelvar!
Changes to world: Continue working to stabilize the planet geologically. Larger herbivorous species, from deer to a few larger animals (think on the scale of elephants), begin to evolve, providing a combination of food, challenge for hunters, and creatures to be tamed in future turns.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Mystic »

World: Slag
Changes to Race: Increased self awareness and understanding of surroundings. This would show itself in avoiding dangerous locations, fleeing superior oppoents (self presvation) and improved tactics in defeating and overwhelming enemies. Developement of morphic traits by "oozing" through tendrils to escape plants. Also beginning developments of enviromental tolerence. The red oozes become resistant to heat retreating from feeding plants closer to the magma flows. The Black ones resistent to psychial damaage (from hard iwnds to flying rocks to monsters attacks). The blue ones develope a way to spread out and fly(glide) on the winds.
Plantary Changes: Build ups of magma chambers begin beneath the planets surface without any sort of additoinal erupts.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

World: Eldamar
Changes to Race: Development of stone axes and basic construction techniques using them. A larger (5 ft tall) subrace with the ability to stand upright for extended periods develops in isolated pockets. This subrace is forced out of the trees to ground level by their weight, and they are forced to either learn to create defenses against the bear creatures or die. The entirety of the race lose their instinctive fear of fire, though it does the tree-dwellers little good.
Changes to World: Maintain stability of the world.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Mystic »

World Slag:
Changes to Race: With the rising predatory prowess of the Oozes comes a shift in mental development. There cunning intellect sharpens further, evolving concepts of ambush, pack hunting for the blue ones, and the fundementals of planned combat (I have learnt he will do X, so I will now do Y). Phsycially the Black Oozes develope the ability to exude a deadly acidic substance, the red oozes continuation there migration into the hotter areas of the planet growing ever more tolerent of exetremes heats and gaining the ability to partialy feed on it (much like planets with sunlight). The blue oozes further develope flight, learning to control themselves better upon the winds to swarm their prey like locusts.
Planet Changes: The magma chambers beneath the planet continue to swell and grow in size, probably resulting in an increase in earthquakes (tremors not eruptions).
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Kaosu »

World: Heron
Changes to Race: Further development of unification against predatories and beginning development of cultural significances within the society. Further development of psychic abilities (from better communication to other uses of psychic powers), stronger 'webs'. Heavy development into using 'tools' to accomplish goals as well.
Planet Changes: Further climate stabilization, more natural resources.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Anoron »

Two turns remaining of changing your world.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

World: Eldamar
Changes to Race: The subrace becomes known as the Morkedain, or Bear People. The Kelvar find that they are evolving too, becoming similar to the Morkedain, though where the Murkedain grow strong and tough, the Kelvar remain lithe and fast. Both races begin to lose body hair, and take to wearing clothes from the hides of creatures to compensate, and both begin building shelters. But perhaps the largest change to the races is the beginning of "awakenings." A precious few awakened individuals emerge with each generation, the first path they discover is that of the shaman, attuned to life and spirit, with the potential to call on magical powers associated with such. An important note is that awakenings don't necessarily follow family lines at this stage - most of the time they are seemingly random.
Changes to world: Uh oh... i look away for just a moment... in addition to the big quakes that split the land in two, control is released in other regions as well. Mountain ranges form along plate boundaries, and with them heavier minerals are brought toward the surface. Still, the majority of the land remains wooded, either flatlands or low hills.
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Re: Ascension of Worlds: Player Actions

Post by Kaosu »

World: Heron
Changes to Race: Heavy development of psychic prowess/powers, further development of tools and technology. Greater unification of species along with better/more advanced cultural and social structures. Evolutionary changes to species for added capacity of greater intelligence.
Planet Changes: Even 'more' natural/mineral resources. And more. And more ... more ..
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