This Forum
Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2004 12:50 am
The purpose for this forum is to give the characters in the Senshi Muyo RPG an equivalent to what we use here. It will be used in a similar manner - to post information, to take votes, and in general to get the message across to all characters. To this end I'm instituting a few rules for this forum
Subject Line: From now on, you MUST enter the name of the character that is starting the thread on the subject line with the subject. This is so there is no confusion as to who has started the post.
Text: Text should be attributed to characters. OOC statements shall be stated just as they would be in RP.
RP Value: Posts here should be considered live in RP and available to any of the characters should they wish it. As such, don't post anything that you wouldn't want discussed in the RP.
Polls: A successful Yes vote will require at least a 2/3 majority.
Subject Line: From now on, you MUST enter the name of the character that is starting the thread on the subject line with the subject. This is so there is no confusion as to who has started the post.
Text: Text should be attributed to characters. OOC statements shall be stated just as they would be in RP.
RP Value: Posts here should be considered live in RP and available to any of the characters should they wish it. As such, don't post anything that you wouldn't want discussed in the RP.
Polls: A successful Yes vote will require at least a 2/3 majority.