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Senshi Muyo Version 2
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 2:47 pm
by Guest
Thats right, its coming.
This rp has been around along time and it begone under humble beginnings, based upon peoples favourites animes, stories, myths and legends. And so the rp grew, developed, changed and for the most part improved. But the time has come to take a step back and survey what we have before us.
What do we plan to do?
The goal is to look over the RP that we have here, the races, the worlds, the heros, the villains, society, culture, historys and origins and decide what works, what needs improvments, what needs to be expanded upon and what has to flat out go.
But why this change? Why now?
Pride. Respect of what we have created and a desire to take it to the next level. Codex Techoren was an example of this, it fleshed the race out in great detail and brought the society to life in manyw ays that it never had been before, not o mention farnishing the rp with a host of new and unique weapons.
In short we are breaking free of the chains that bind us so our creativity and our universe can flourish as it was ment to be.
How do you intend to achieve this? What changes will be made?
Well at this point i dont know, i've yet to survey everything and establish a worklist. However i can supply you a few potentail examples
We are gong to break free form Tenchi, we will not be going "Well it worked like this in Tenchi" anymore. Eventualy the names of the Jurai and Dark Jurai will change, we will probably somewhat tweak the system of how Juraian trees power spaceships to have it make alitlte more sense. For the most part however the race will still be the same, we just wont be breaking copywrite. It will also allow us to finaly, truly develope and use the Juraian culture.
How various powers worked will be reviewed and adjusted for balance, in the old days some playesr just got better deals on power for little to no real good reason, things will be balanced out now.
Areas in which information is lacking will be expanded upon, more gods profiles created, empires details, things DM's havnt thought of that players view as needed.
Alright so where do I come into this?
As a player, new or old, you've helped and still help in shaping and making this rp grow, it was through your characters and adventures that historys where creatred, worlds manfiested and epic tales brought into the light. I want, i NEED, to know your thoughts, feelings and opinons.
What do you feel badly needs looking at, what parts of this RP do you love and would hate to see changed, and most of all, what do you think is missing, what could make this all better, or what exists but needs more detail?
PS, sorry there are no plans at this time to create or implament any sort of stat system at this time.
- Mystic Game Master of Senshi Muyo
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:39 pm
by Anoron
Well, I've always said that the wings would be our biggest issue, but baby steps I guess. The names of some of the tenchi gods will definately need to be changed and their descriptions rewriten.
We're going to have to break these races down to give them a kick in the ass before we can finaly break free and be ourselves.
Change is in the air
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 3:40 pm
by Cory the Uber best
I could voice how happy i am to see us finally breaking free from the chains of those bad anime's. Its hard enough as it is to cope in such a world. but enough of that.
Things i could love to see changed:
to tell you the truth, I think it will be hard to get away from calling the races Jurai and Dark Jurai thier names and switching to new ones, I feel that if we cant come up with a better name that suits the race, i am not sure we -can- switch. although i will list some names that i feel or rather that i think up right now, that could replace them.
Park Turai
Snark Murai
Part Catfry
alright i am sorry i'll be serious. But the first one we have to find is the Jurai replacment since the DJ spawned from them or so i think.
Tsu`ara (prenounced SUE ARE A not Sarah)
Actually i kinda like that ^_^ i'll go with that one. as for the Dark Jurians i can hardly let "Dark Tsu`ara happen.. but alas i am out of good names, so i guess we'll work on this later.
Some things i like about the RP, well i'll just go with the major ones.
I like alot of things, some important ones i like about it is uhh.. well lets look at what i dont like first ^_^
First off, the Tenchi shit needs to go.
Second i think people start having to realise that The DMs are gods, and that thier ruling is final. On a simular note to the DMs that means making a system where we cant find falt in it =P
I do like how easily you let characters grow. Corsche has grown alot as a character because of the actions of the DMs and PLayers characters this is an excellent environment that lets one grow.
I dont like Jason, i think we can get rid of him.
I think Donovans idea that the Rohr out number the Dark Jurians by a 100 to 1 is rediculous. that means for every 1,000,000 dark jurai there are 1,000,000,000 or 10,000,000,000(dont know which) rohr. The Rohr are a warring race, they are blood thirsty. If they had even one competent general they could easily wipe the Dark Jurian out. Forgive me predujices.
I am sure there are lots more, i havnt even said a whole lot that i dont like actually.. i will try to come up with more later.
As for things that are missing? More interaction between players characters to chracets, and NPCs. There are never moments where they're sitting around a campfire just talking about old times, or talking about something besides war, fighting, sex(although no one minds that one) or the general state of things. Idle RP has been completely curb stompped, and i hate to sound like michelle here, but i think it has its place in this RP. this will also reduce the demand on Sarah that she must come up with new things to do -everytime- we RP.
More DM and player communication. I feel bad for when Don and Sarah tried this with me, i failed to help them in anyway. because i did not know my character well enough. I think they went about it the wrong way. "What does Corsche want, what makes him tick" instead of "what do you want Corsche to be, blah blah blah" this is a great way for players and DMS to communicate well enough so both partys know where they want to go in the RP. DMs can make this more enjoyable for everyone, as well for themselves.
Whats missing as well is playing realisticly. Don i am thinking of a certain time when Chimera was being attacked by her old friends. and one of your characters just showed up out of the blue and saved her. rediculous. I was the only one RPing in a place were it was even remotely possible for him to save her, and i wasnt doing anything about it because it wasnt rational for corsche to over hear, till there were gunshots. This dosnt just apply to dono, it applys to everyone, even ive been doing it as of late.
Players. Sorry guys, i am sick of Dennis, Jason, Jehan, Michelle and Cammy. >.<' i could pretty much predict exactly what each of them will do, and each of them is useless in one way or another. I think it has become stagnant. We need new blood, and quickly. I think we should go on a campaign to bring in at least two new people. Looking for some fresh meat as sarah likes to put it. I love you guys i really do, no offense to any of you players, but its boring =/
what exists and needs more detail? Well.. that fucking tree for one thing. lol. Most of hte gods make no sense to me, i dont know who they are and i dont even care really. The races other than Dark Jurai and Techoren? LOL there are other races? i didnt even know there were the Jurai till about a month ago. please go into more detail, or something. Fighting styles between worlds, okay so i know the DJ like martial arts and teh techoren like fighting with guns. But i gaurantee that there are Techoren who study martial arts and DJ that shoot guns. what are the differences? or do all martial arts come from DJ? There are plenty of other things that i cant think of right now but will get back to you later on.
As a final note, i love this RP. I didnt rp much since i got out of, and you guys mostly remember me as that annoying kid who couldnt fight worth a damn. And frankly, i didnt like rp back then.. i liked the -idea- of rping. I role played alot paper and pencile with D&C and vampire but that really only went into the technical stuff of rp and never into characters as much. But this place has both elements and combines everything i like about RPing into one place. You guys ahve done a great job so far, and i throughouly enjoy playing here.
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:14 pm
by dont get mad
By the way guys, the comment i made about the players.
You guys know my humor well enough by now, so dont take it as a threat, or a dis, or anything. Dont get worked up about it, because i am just pushing your buttons.
All i am saying is that i think we need some new people, we tend to grate on eachother sometimes.
i still love you guys, dont worry =)
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:23 pm
by Mystic
Cory your answer wasnt what i had expected but i dont mind that. I was mostly after the more technical side of things, like how you mentioned about races and fighting styles. My plan of this new version is to grow and improve the Universe, the "background" mostly.
Getting new blood, while usual isnt part of my "reworking the system" plan. And player interaction is really up to players.
Strangly as a DM i do find you can all still be quiet usful.
I did have an idea of creating Fighting styles for the rp, to add some unique flares to various characters. Plus i'm tired of hearing of "Kung Fu, Capceruai" and other martial arts made up by brizlions etc. I'd like to create an elvish art, the dwarven attack, the Orcish charge etc.
Name change. You might be on to something there, and an idea on how to seperate the light fromt he dark is something like "Tara'ei (for Jurai" and Tara-eu (for Dark Jurai). Basicly just change how it ends.
Don, the wings i think are actually very minor, they are based on the Sephiroth much more than tenchi and work fairly well as is, but might need some tweaking. While we could majorly rework the whole system, it'd have almost zero impact on 95% of all the players role play experience.
Your right about the Tenchi gods but i think some might just need plain removing, we dont really need "Tenchi the god" we never did, we made him a god for no reason other than to make him a god. Washuu to forfuils no real role other than to take the portfilo that should have gone to the Techoren god instead. Still the three sisters are mentioned in our History but prehaps should be remade as there proper incarnations, which was Past, Present and Future. The exact details will take some time to work out of course.
As for races like Cory mentioned earlier, we already have a large lists of races up on the website, read it sometime noob (j/k). I do plan to create a list of empires so people can know who the super powers are and which races are most afflicated with them.
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:27 pm
by Leila Dark Jurai
I have found little on the website that needs to be altered, mainly because the races that are at issue aren't detailed there *hint hint*
However I would like to see a fleshing out of the Dark Jurai. We have played with them for a long time, yet much is left unsaid and unknown.
One thing I'd like to see change is the Dark Jurai's focus on melee weapons. The Dark Jurai need more ranged options. What they have now are ok, but compared to the Techoren they suck. What's a naginata blast compared to a Redeemer?
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:37 pm
by Mystic
While your point stands Jason there are a few things to take into account on that.
The Techorens are a ranged race, they are not superb melee combatents (while expections exist it is not the rule), they do not have extremely powerful power useres capable of ripping tanks apart, nor a common enough shielding system to protect the basic unit. Ranged weapons, picturly very powerful ones, are the Techorens first, and often only line of defence against almost everything the universe has to throw at them. They are suppose to be the best at this.
The Dark Juraian on the other hand are excellent melee fighters, they have use of the key blades which allows there weapons to cut through many forms of armor and produce key wings to deflect incoming attacks (allowing the closing of range). They also have many powerful indivudals (like Psi Crushers, strong shadow guards etc) who can hurl powerful blasts of destruction into enemy ranks and some even crush tanks with the force of will alone. The Dark Juraian simply do not have the same need for massive ranged firepower that the Techoren have.
That said, they still have forms of it, laser hand guns, rifles and powerful energy cannons. Its there but it obviously (by your question) hasnt been shown and made obviouse enough, so i agree with you on the need for this, but please understand, it is initional that they do not have the same firepower as the Techoren, if they did, they would be totaly and utterly supeerior would they not?
Please share any other comments you have on things you'd like to know or see grow in this rp. I've been considering also creating more worlds as well, but i dont want to drown players in such information if there interest isnt there.
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:45 pm
by Coirysg
I want to agree with you Sarah, because the techoren kick ass.
but it seems like the DJ would stand no logical chance against them. Maybe its my own bias. Do the DJ's supirior magic help them out? do they have magic? i am not sure how they dont get oblitterated ><
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 4:50 pm
by Leila Dark Jurai
I knew there were, but as visible as they are they might as well not be there so yeah.
A few ideas I have:
-The Techoren could develop a close melee ranged weapon. Perhaps something like the UT2k4 Shield Gun
-Car Crashes on Dark Jurai!
-Dark Tsunami, Tsunami, Tenchi, Tokimi, Washuu should all be reconsidered
-The wings need looked at, but aren't that major. Perhaps the steps need a good looking at though, in order to become more relevant.
-More and better explanations for the weird shit in the RP. Like tree ships, and wooden holopads.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 2:42 am
by Anoron
Mystic wrote: Name change. You might be on to something there, and an idea on how to seperate the light fromt he dark is something like "Tara'ei (for Jurai" and Tara-eu (for Dark Jurai). Basicly just change how it ends.
That is accualy a very good idea, though I do like the "Tara" form a lot, the endings need to be changed. Perhaps we should give them something that ends in Japanese, dunno.
Shiori wrote: -More and better explanations for the weird shit in the RP. Like tree ships, and wooden holopads.
Working on the Space Trees and have them worked out very well. Holopad is more along the lines of a piece of tubing that makes a holographic pallette to look at.
Cory wrote:but it seems like the DJ would stand no logical chance against them. Maybe its my own bias. Do the DJ's supirior magic help them out? do they have magic? i am not sure how they dont get oblitterated ><
The Techoren didn't win or lose the war against the Dark Jurai, nor did the Dark Jurai win or lose against the Techoren. Both sides were exausted from their long war, and despite being fewer in number DJ ships take a beating, and they begrudgedly give any ground up. Shikana also factor into the DJ equasion as well as the Netomi and Aijur allies. The Dark Jurai do not fight alone, and never will again.
And to quote Sarah
Mystic wrote: The Dark Juraian on the other hand are excellent melee fighters, they have use of the key blades which allows there weapons to cut through many forms of armor and produce key wings to deflect incoming attacks (allowing the closing of range). They also have many powerful indivudals (like Psi Crushers, strong shadow guards etc) who can hurl powerful blasts of destruction into enemy ranks and some even crush tanks with the force of will alone. The Dark Juraian simply do not have the same need for massive ranged firepower that the Techoren have.
Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:32 am
by Leila Dark Jurai
I still think Dark Jurai needs car crashes. So does the bible. Maybe when they add a new and improved testament.
Perhaps most important is to take this opportunity not only to change things, but to PUT THEM DOWN IN WRITING!
There's a lot I don't know, not for any good reason, but because basic information just isn't convenient and easy to obtain. A codex for the Dark Jurai, Netomi, and Shikana would be a good start.
Another thing we should look into -- intelligence profiles. By this I mean profiles of our enemies. UPDATED information on such as the Rift Walkers, the Earth Dominion, and other opposing forces.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:17 am
by THE Evil Monkey
I agree with all points, but I have my own reservations about just changing the RP at this point in time, it would change to much to be done dureing active Role Playing
So if this must be done I must plead the case of why dont we just restart OR in the very least backtrack the rp, that way we can create new Characters or keep the ones we have just restarting them, but this time we would keep track of there abilities with some kind of sheets for I must say that at this moment its all too wonky for my tastes....
I know it would SUCK mucho ass to restart the RP but if you think about it it would solve so much, gods, abilities, names, powers, histories, everything could be changed without fucking up the game, and it may be an even better conclusion for the fact that it would help in flushing all the trouble makeing parts of the RP down the crapper
Well anyways thats just my opinion and if any of yall have a problem with it thats your business but you HAVE to admit, it makes alot of sense...
And once again this is Jehan
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:26 am
by Leila Dark Jurai
Nothing to be changed will "fuck up" the game. It will not affect the majority of players. The basic history isn't changing, just some names, rearranging some gods, explaining some things better, etc. There is no need to restart.
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:28 am
by Evil Monkey
Yes there is Jason, there is no set system to what happens in the RP our characters are basically just as powerfull as we think they are, this in the very least must change now Im not saying we should do a D&D style level up system and crap for that would not work for us but there needs to be some sort of system so we all know exactly what we can do
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:56 pm
by Leila Dark Jurai
There has never been a real "system" but there are limits on what characters can do. At this time powers are considered on "levels", like D&D spell levels 1-9. Generally current powers are 1-5. As for exactly what we can do, if you don't have a list of powers that you can call upon you really need to talk to a DM about that.