Current Events - Shaping Tomorrow

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Leila Dark Jurai
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Current Events - Shaping Tomorrow

Post by Leila Dark Jurai »

Foremost on the agenda is completing the events dealing with the Enigma Virtus, completing the quests for Leila and Halya's weapons. Also, there is the possibility for additional weapons quests for other major players.

However looking forward there are additional threats.

The Rohr. The war is going badly for Dark Jurai. The Dark Jurai are on the defensive, forced to stand and defend their temple worlds in a type of war that their troops are not suited for. And we still don't know where the Rohr are coming from.

The Sauriness. The Techoren have been unable to pin them down in a decisive battle. They have pillaged several worlds, in a hit-and-run style.

The Kirka: They haven't attacked yet, but it seems likely they will also attack the Techoren.

The Earth Dominion: They aren't really a threat to the larger empires, but they're still a huge pain in the ass.

Also, what are the Pariah, Jurai, and World Walkers doing? Can we find out more about the Eldur Maugi, and perhaps the Tvr'vhl?

Any other questions or comments would be appreciated.
Last edited by Leila Dark Jurai on Sun Apr 15, 2007 12:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mystic »

The biggest problem you guys face right now is that you have so much to do all at once, and yet lack the ability to do it all. I realise you want better weapons. You want to improve Neth, you want to get Neth an army, you have your own thing. Then the bigger goals like the Rohr, the Sauriness, other informatin.

Its good to talk amongest eachother and try to agree on a priorty play. Maybe deal with Inpenra, quick return to Neth, jump to the Rohr, check out the Sauriness, maybe investigate about the Tv or EM.

Theres a lot going on, and theres even more stuff happening that you DONT know about. You can certainly make a difference, the tough choice is where, and how.
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